6-02/010.00 Watch Commander (Jail Manager)

The watch commander has the ultimate responsibility of the station jail. The watch commander shall periodically monitor the booking of inmates and jail operations. The watch commander shall document their observations, along with any corrective action taken in the watch commander's daily activity log. The watch commander shall ensure compliance with this manual and all other regulations, procedures, and laws pertaining to the station jail and inmates. Additionally, the watch commander shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all cash bail monies and for the unit records of the deposits.

The watch commander shall ensure a Probable Cause Declaration (PCD), signed by a magistrate, is obtained for each individual booked, except as provided in SJM section 6-03/020.00, “Probable Cause Declarations (PCD).”

The following cases shall be reviewed by the watch commander:

  • The watch commander shall confirm all surveillance cameras are properly functioning and recording at the beginning of each shift by logging into the system and retrieving a sample recording from the previous shift;
  • At the beginning of each shift, the watch commander shall ensure real-time footage accurately reflects the correct date and time of day;
  • The watch commander shall notify the designated video manager of any malfunctions, submit necessary work orders through proper channels (e.g., the online Helpdesk, etc.), and document all actions taken in the Watch Commander's Log, including who was notified and the requested corrective action;
  • The designated video manager shall ensure all high-definition cameras are recording at no less than ten (10) frames per second, with picture resolution no less than 720p, unless otherwise directed in writing by the respective Custody Services Division chief;
  • The fixed video equipment inspection shall be documented in the facility Watch Commander's Log.