4-07/040.00 Inmates Unable to Attend Court

Inmates who are unable to attend scheduled court proceedings due to medical or psychological conditions shall be withheld from court, only on the order of a physician, pending their recovery. 

Inmates who, in the opinion of a physician, are considered physically unfit to attend court include: 

  • Inmates who are in danger of exacerbating their illness
  • Inmates who are contagious
  • Inmates who are in intractable pain
  • Inmates who are scheduled for a medical procedure or examination that if postponed, would lead to irreparable harm  

Inmates who, in the opinion of a physician, are considered psychologically unfit to attend court include: 

  • Inmates in a mental state such that the use of force would be required to transport them to court
  • Inmates in medically ordered hard leather restraints  

With the exception of County USC Medical Center, Correctional Health Services (CHS) personnel shall formally notify the Inmate Reception Center (IRC), by completing an "Inmate Court Availability Form" for each inmate considered physically or psychologically unfit to attend court. Custodial personnel assigned to the Jail Ward at County USC Medical Center shall ensure the "Inmate Court Availability Form" is completed for every inmate who has a scheduled court appearance but has been determined to be unfit to attend.  

In all situations, the Inmate Court Availability Forms shall be faxed to the IRC watch commander by 0800 hours. The IRC watch commander shall ensure that notification is made to the appropriate court.