3-18/000.00 Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO)

Personnel shall be cognizant of indicators of radicalized behavior and violent extremism in the custody environment. The spread of such idealism has profound homeland security implications and can impact the safety and security of Sheriff’s Department personnel and facilities.

As outlined in MPP section 5-09/490.00, "Terrorism Liaison Officers and Coordinators," The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) has established the Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) program to facilitate the flow of information between the members of the Department and the homeland security community. The TLO is someone who serves as an information conduit between members of the public safety community, public/private sector, citizenry, and the US Government in the fight against terrorism. All LASD TLOs shall be certified by the Joint Regional Intelligence Center (JRIC).

All Custody Operations and Correctional Services Divisions Unit Commanders shall ensure that their unit has a primary TLO identified with a cadre of 3-5 sworn personnel designated as back-up TLOs for their facility.

Once selected and identified for this duty, personnel shall attend and complete, at minimum, the Terrorism Liaison Officer Basic Course sponsored and facilitated by the Joint Regional Intelligence Center (JRIC).



The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) has established the Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) program to facilitate the flow of information between the members of the department and the homeland security community.


The Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) shall be designated by each unit commander. This individual shall be known as the Primary TLO and shall serve as the point of contact for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Homeland Security Division and the JRIC. Backup TLOs shall also be designated to assist the primary TLO, and be available in their absence. The number of Backup TLOs at each unit shall be determined by the unit commander. For units with multiple facilities, a TLO shall be designated for each location. Custody Assistants may be utilized solely as Backup TLOs in Custody Operations and Correctional Services Divisions.

The selection of Primary and Backup TLOs shall be based on the following qualities and shall not be determined by rank or assignment:

  • Express an interest in assuming the responsibilities of a TLO
  • Demonstrate a desire and interest in Homeland Security
  • Demonstrate leadership ability
  • Possess good communication skills
  • Possess good training skills

Responsibilities - TLO

Each Custody Operations and Correctional Services Division TLO shall carry out their responsibilities as outlined in MPP sections 5-09/490.00, "Terrorism Liaison Officers and Coordinators."

TLO Reporting Procedures

TLO’s shall follow the notification procedures for notifying the JRIC as outlined in MPP section 5-09/490.10, "Notification Process for Potential Homeland Security Activity."

Upon determining that any information or incident may be Potential Homeland Security Activity (PHSA), handling personnel shall immediately notify the JRIC. Any of the below methods may be utilized in the following preferred order:

  • Web Notification:[REDACTED TEXT]
  • E-Mail Notification: [REDACTED TEXT]
  • Telephonic Notification: [REDACTED TEXT]

Any further notifications shall be directed solely by the JRIC.

Jail Interview Teams

Once appointed as a TLO, the assigned TLO’s of each facility will comprise a Jail Interview Team for their particular unit of assignment. The Jail Interview Team (JIT) responsibilities are to interview inmates regularly in an effort to acquire pertinent information or intelligence with regard to Homeland Security concerns, and then forward the information to the JRIC. The goal of the JIT is to assist the flow of information between the members of the Department and the homeland security community, as well as create a safer environment throughout Los Angeles County.

Terrorism Liaison Officer Coordinator (TLO-C)

The Terrorism Liaison Officer Coordinator (TLO-C) is a Department member who manages TLOs within their assigned division(s) with guidance and assistance from the Terrorism Liaison Officer Program Manager (Sergeant assigned to the Homeland Security Division’s Emergency Operations Bureau.)


In order to effectively manage the span of control of TLOs within the Sheriff’s Department, TLO-Cs shall be designated by the LASD TLO Program Manager. Terrorism Liaison Officer Coordinators may be selected from any division within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and their selection shall be directly coordinated with their unit commander.

The Custody Operations and Correctional Services Divisions’ TLO Coordinator shall be selected by Custody Support Services Unit Commander with the concurrence of the TLO Program Manager.


The Terrorism Liaison Officer Coordinator shall be responsible for the following:

  • Manage TLO’s within their assigned divisions within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
  • Provide homeland security related training and briefings to LASD TLOs
  • Maintain a TLO email distribution list on the Sheriff’s Data Networ
  • Maintain working relationships with members of the LASD Emergency Operation Bureau’s Counter Terrorism Unit (EOB/CTU)
  • Work in conjunction with the Jail Interview Team (J.I.T)

Responsibilities - Watch Commander

The Watch Commander shall log all significant incidents of Potential Homeland Security Activity for the purpose of maintaining shift and unit situational awareness. Any further notifications shall be directed solely by the JRIC.