5-09/490.10 - Notification Process for Potential Homeland Security Activity


Suspicious activity is defined as unusual activity that may have a nexus to terrorism, terrorism-related crime or may indicate a threat to public safety.  This activity may be observed by Department personnel during the course of their duties or as a result of contact with a member of the public.

NOTE:  The official reporting of suspicious activity is also known nationally as Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR).

Following any incident, or upon receipt of any information which may be suspicious activity, the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) shall be immediately notified to ensure the information is collected and a Lead is submitted.  Members of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau Sheriff’s Intelligence Unit (CIB/SIU) will ensure the Lead is analyzed, investigated, validated, and the proper experts/authorities are contacted.  It is critical all personnel understand reporting procedures of suspicious activity in order to ensure the effective and efficient flow of information.

Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB)

The information submitted to CIB is analyzed to integrate all-hazards threat intelligence.  The CIB intelligence officers and analysts will convert the information into operational intelligence to detect, deter, and defend against terrorist attacks, major criminal threats, and public safety issues within the County of Los Angeles.

Reporting Threshold

It is the duty of all personnel to report any unusual or suspicious activity that may have a nexus to terrorism, terrorism-related crime or may indicate a threat to public safety, whether or not they deem such information to be a credible or viable threat. 

All personnel shall be responsible for:

  • Reporting all suspicious activity to CIB; and
  • Notifying the watch commander for situational awareness.

Personnel shall be aware that:

  • Suspicious activity may not rise to the level of a crime;
  • The activity may not have a clear nexus to terrorism, specific criminal acts, or a clearly articulated threat;
  • The activity may or may not require a separate incident report (SH-R 49); and
  • Speed and accuracy in reporting is crucial.

Reporting Procedures – CIB

Upon determining that any information or incident may be suspicious activity, Department personnel shall immediately notify CIB.  Any of the methods listed below may be utilized:

  • Web and mobile notification:    www.P3tips.com/1295   
  • Email notification:    LEADS@lasd.org 
  • Telephonic notification to the Sheriff’s Intelligence Unit:    (323) 267-4870, after hours to the Department Operations Center (DOC), at (323) 980-2101. 

Personnel who report suspicious activity will likely be contacted by CIB for additional information or clarification purposes.  The CIB is responsible for establishing intelligence collection requirements for the Department, and coordinating “Requests for Information” (RFI) to and from the field.

Should Department personnel be contacted by a member of the public wishing to personally report suspicious activity, they shall be directed to:

  • www.lacrimestoppers.org (web notification)
  • “iWatchLA” – (mobile application available on “Google Play” or “App Store”)

Statistical Code 709

Statistical Code 709 is the clearance code used to identify suspicious activity and shall be used in the following circumstances:

  • Primary or secondary log entry clearance; and
  • As a secondary statistical code if an incident report is written.

Any report or log clearance submitted that utilizes the 709 stat code shall articulate the observations of the reporting party and the reason(s) why the activity or incident is believed to be suspicious activity.   Reports utilizing 709 stat codes shall not be deferred.

NOTE:  Personnel at the CIB monitor the use of the 709 statistical code.  Department personnel utilizing this clearance shall immediately contact the CIB to provide all available information pertaining to the incident.

If it is determined an incident has a nexus to terrorism, the CIB on-duty sergeant or supervisor will immediately make notification to the Joint Regional Intelligence Center.

Joint Regional Intelligence Center (JRIC)

The JRIC is a task force that is staffed by Department personnel from CIB and representatives from partnering federal, state, and local agencies.  It functions as the regional fusion center for terrorism intelligence and analysis.  The JRIC also serves as part of the State Threat Assessment System (STAS) for the State of California, and coordinates the regional Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) Program.

Information submitted to the JRIC through CIB is analyzed to integrate criminal and terrorism threat intelligence.  The JRIC converts the information into operational intelligence to detect, deter, and defend against terrorist attacks and major crime threats within the JRIC’s seven county operational area.

The operational area for the JRIC includes the counties of:

  • Los Angeles
  • Orange
  • Riverside
  • San Bernardino
  • San Luis Obispo
  • Santa Barbara
  • Ventura

The CIB is responsible for the forwarding of appropriate Departmental information, including Suspicious Activity reports, to the JRIC for further analysis.  Individual members of the Department should not report directly to the JRIC.

Terrorist Screening Center Match – NCIC Query

The Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) is located in Washington D.C. and maintains the U.S. government’s consolidated Terrorist Watchlist.  This resource is a single database of identifying information about those known or reasonably suspected of being involved in terrorist activity.  Access to the TSC database is accomplished via CLETS/NCIC queries.

Upon receiving a possible match to a known or suspected terrorist, pursuant to an NCIC query, deputies shall contact the TSC immediately at (866) 872-9001.  Each TSC match will indicate an associated “Handling Code.”  Deputies shall handle TSC subject query matches in the following manner:

  • TSC Handling Code 1:  Approach with caution.  The individual may be the subject of an arrest warrant.  If a warrant is returned, detain the individual pursuant to Departmental procedures for handling an outstanding warrant.  Call the TSC immediately at, (866) 872-9001;
  • TSC Handling Code 2:  Approach with caution.  There may be a detainer for this individual.  Detain the individual for a reasonable amount of time for questioning.  Call the TSC immediately at, (866) 872-9001; and
  • TSC Handling Code 3:  Approach with caution.  Do not alert the individual he/she may be on the terrorist watchlist.  Contact the TSC during this encounter at, (866) 872-9001.  If this would expand the scope or duration of the encounter, contact the TSC immediately thereafter.  Do not detain or arrest this individual unless there is evidence of a violation of federal, state, or local statutes.

NOTE:  Terrorist Screening Center handling codes are not related to, or the same as LASD radio codes.  A TSC “Handling Code 3” return does NOT require an emergency vehicle response.

All personnel that receive a TSC hit in response to a NCIC query shall contact the TSC and then notify CIB immediately.  Field units shall log each encounter and utilize the 709 clearance code.

Responsibilities – Supervisor

  • Review reports for terrorism related information and suspicious activity;
  • Ensure proper procedures for immediately notifying CIB are followed; and
  • Ensure correct use of statistical codes:
    • 154 - Weapons of Mass Destruction;
    • 444 - Suspicious Circumstance; and
    • 709 - Suspicious Activity.

Responsibilities – Watch Commander

The watch commander shall log all significant incidents of suspicious activity for the purpose of maintaining shift and unit situational awareness.