5-09/500.00 - Outside Request to Use a Department Helipad

Aero Bureau personnel shall have the authority to restrict use or grant permission to land aircraft on any helipad under the control of the Department. 

A request by a public safety agency for permission to land shall be coordinated through the Aero Bureau Desk.  A request by other than a public safety agency for permission to land shall be coordinated through the Aero Bureau Unit Commander.  Aero Bureau personnel can be contacted by calling the 24-hour main telephone at (562) 421-2701.  

When any aircraft is in distress, the aircraft shall be permitted to land without prior approval from Aero Bureau.  Department personnel shall make immediate notification of the circumstances to the Aero Bureau Desk.
Department personnel who become aware of the unauthorized use of a Department helipad shall immediately notify Aero Bureau Operations.