3-12/000.00 Movie Contracts

Movie Contract Guidelines  

All initial requests from movie or video companies wishing to use a Custody Division facility or personnel for filming purposes shall contact the film coordinator at Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau (SHB). All requests shall be processed in the following manner: 

  • The Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau film coordinator shall notify and obtain approval for any filming from the unit commander of the concerned facility,
  • The SHB film coordinator is responsible for coordinating activities between the concerned facility and the movie company,
  • In most cases, movie companies shall only be granted access to film in non-secure areas of custody facilities.
  • News or documentary-type production requests shall be considered and may be allowed inside secured areas pursuant to the Department Manual of Policy and Procedure, section 5-03/060.10, "News Media Interview Requests,"
  • Access to film in secure areas of operational custody facilities, under any circumstances, requires the approval of the concerned Division Chief,
  • No monetary compensation or donations to unit funds shall be solicited, negotiated, or accepted from any movie company.  

Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau Responsibilities  

The SHB film coordinator shall contact the concerned facility's film coordinator when a movie company submits a request to film at a Custody Division facility. The SHB film coordinator shall advise the movie company regarding obtaining the required permits.  

The SHB film coordinator shall develop a filming operation plan for each approved request and complete the "Filming Permit Operational Plan" form establishing: 

  • Projected dates and times for the shoot,
  • Specific locations to be used,
  • The type of filming/action that will be occurring,
  • Size of the crew,
  • Use of props,
  • The approximate amount of time needed to complete filming.  

The original "Filming Permit Operational Plan" shall be maintained at SHB. A copy shall be sent to the individual facility film coordinator, who in turn will forward a copy to the Chief's Aide of the concerned Division for notification to the Chief.  

The movie company site coordinator, the facility film coordinator, and the SHB film coordinator shall be in complete agreement on the exact and specific operations of the film shoot. The film company must have all original permits available at the location at all times or no filming shall be allowed.  

Facility Film Coordinator  

Each Custody Division facility shall designate a film coordinator to work with the SHB film coordinator to ensure the operations plan for the movie contract at their facility is followed. The facility film coordinator shall develop a security plan for the film shoot at their facility.  

The following guidelines shall be used in establishing site security: 

  • A minimum of one deputy for each shooting location,
  • A minimum of one deputy for each staging area,
  • If the filming is to be conducted within the secured area of an operating facility, the number of security personnel will be determined by the security needs of the location and the amount of filming that will occur.  

Upon approval of the film shoot security plan by the concerned facility unit commander, the SHB film coordinator has the authority to negotiate with the movie company site coordinator for the number of deputy personnel to be hired.  

Guidelines for Hiring Deputy Personnel for Security  

Personnel selected for an overtime assignment as security for movie filming shall complete an overtime slip (SH-R-251) utilizing overtime code 903 (private entity contract). All overtime slips shall be submitted to the facility film coordinator prior to leaving the location. The facility film coordinator shall account for all overtime slips and shall ensure they are submitted to the appropriate timekeeper. The facility film coordinator shall forward a copy of all overtime slips, along with the billing memo describing the personnel assignments and overtime expenditures, to the Contract Law Unit.  

Since each movie company and their filming needs are unique, the facility film coordinator and the SHB film coordinator shall make appropriate notifications and obtain approval from the concerned unit commanders for unexpected or unusual circumstances, or special requests that may occur.