3-01/030.00 Assignment of Custody Assistant Personnel

It shall be the individual unit commander's responsibility to ensure that post and duty assignments for Custody Assistants conform to the following guidelines:


  • Custody Assistants shall work under the supervision of sworn personnel at all times. The job title, Custody Assistant, shall be indicative of the types of duties assigned to these personnel
  • Any position or duties deemed suitable for staffing by Custody Assistants may instead, at any time, be staffed by Deputy Sheriff personnel
  • Any position or duties normally performed by Deputy Sheriff personnel shall not be staffed by Custody Assistant personnel


The following examples of Custody Assistant duties are provided as a guide. Specific functions assigned may vary at each facility and are to be defined by individual unit commanders. Duties may include but not be limited to:


  • Assisting in the supervision of inmates in housing quarters, at recreation, and on work assignments
  • Assisting in the supervision of inmates assigned to vocational or rehabilitative assignments
  • Assisting in the operation of main, floor, or dormitory control booths
  • Assisting in administrative and operational functions such as: scheduling, unit log and record maintenance, and the preparation of reports or memoranda as directed
  • Controlling or assisting in the control of access to attorney and visitation areas
  • Monitoring and controlling non-inmate personnel ingress and egress