3-01/025.00 Escorting and Providing Security for Female Inmates

4021 P.C.

Pursuant to California Penal Code section 4021, a female deputy sheriff or custodial officer shall be assigned, available, and accessible for the supervision of female inmates at all times. This includes inmates who are being temporarily held at a hospital or any other place of temporary detention.

Security of Female Inmates

If a female inmate has to be temporarily housed in a location outside of their housing facility, such as a local hospital, at least one female deputy sheriff shall be assigned the duty of providing security for that inmate.

Exigent Circumstances

In the event of exigent circumstances (e.g., medical emergency), a female inmate may be escorted to an outside location by a male deputy sheriff. This decision will require the approval of the facility watch commander. The unit commander shall be notified of the situation, and the event shall be documented in the watch commander’s log, along with the reasons for the male escort. Arrangements shall be made for a female deputy to relieve the male escort as soon as possible.