1-08/000.00 Manual Definitions

The following definitions shall apply: 

"Inmate" shall be used to describe any person incarcerated in any Custody Division facility or any person remanded by a court to the custody of the Sheriff of Los Angeles County. 

"Pre-sentenced inmate" is any incarcerated person awaiting arraignment, hearing, trial, or sentencing. For statistical purposes, pre-sentenced inmates are designated "Sentence Status One."  

"Sentenced Inmate" is any incarcerated person who has been sentenced by a court to any jail, detention camp, or correctional institution. For statistical purposes, fully sentenced inmates are designated as "Sentence Status Three."  

"Partially Sentenced Inmate" is any incarcerated person with multiple cases, but not sentenced on all cases. For statistical purposes, partially sentenced inmates are designated as "Sentence Status Two."  

"Inmate Worker" is any inmate currently assigned to a work detail or performing a specific job. This may include both sentenced and pre-sentenced inmates. 

"Pro Per" (Propria Persona) is a legal term used to describe an inmate who, as ordered by the court, exercises his constitutional right to act as his own legal counsel in a civil or criminal matter before a recognized court. 

"Module" describes a type of inmate housing area commonly referred to as a "cellblock" or "Pod."  

"Cell" refers to an individual room within a module, cellblock or pod. 

"Dormitory" describes a type of inmate housing area which provides sleeping and living accommodations for inmates without the use of bars or other restrictive construction to separate each individual bed unit. 

"Barracks" describes separate buildings which provide sleeping and living accommodations for inmates without the use of bars or other restrictive construction to separate each individual bed. 

"Minimum Jail Standards" refers to the Minimum Standards For Local Detention Facilities, Title 15 of the California Code of Regulations, which describes the minimum standards of care, custody, and control to be provided to inmates within the County's jail system.