5-06/000.15 - Responsibility of Department Members - Emergency Conditions

In the event of a major disaster such as a catastrophic earthquake, any natural or manmade disaster, or national, state, government declared emergency, the following shall occur:

  • On-duty personnel shall remain at their assignments until properly relieved;
  • Off-duty personnel who are scheduled for the next shift shall report to their unit of assignment as soon as possible after stabilizing their families; and
  • All other off-duty personnel shall contact their unit of assignment and monitor radio and television for Emergency Alerting System (EAS) instructions.
    If travel to one's unit of assignment is impossible, personnel shall report to the nearest operational Sheriff's station or facility.  If unable to reach a Department facility, personnel shall report to the nearest law enforcement agency for deployment.  Expeditious notification to one’s unit of assignment through the best available means remains a responsibility of the individual employee.
    In order to facilitate identification of Department personnel who are deployed to another facility or outside agency, deputy personnel shall maintain at their residences, one of the following:
  • Class "A" uniform;
  • Class "B" uniform; or
  • Department raid jacket.