5-06/000.11 - Duty Emergency Operations Center Team Chief

A Chief shall be identified on a rotating monthly basis to manage the County and Department Emergency Operations Center (EOC).  He shall act on behalf of the Sheriff and discharge the duties as the Deputy Director of Emergency Operations in the County EOC.  He shall also function as the Department Incident Commander in the Department Operations Center (DOC).  These duties are as follows:

Deputy Director of Emergency Operations (DDEO)

The Duty Chief is the DDEO for the County following the activation of the County Emergency Operations Center.  He is the Sheriff's designated manager of the County EOC and all of its team members.  These teams are comprised of selected Department personnel and members of other County departments.  The Duty Chief shall discharge the responsibilities of the Sheriff in his role as the Director of Emergency Operations as defined in County Code 2.68, as listed above.

Department Incident Commander

As the Department Incident Commander the Duty Chief discharges the responsibilities of the Sheriff through a chain of command which is developed to deal with an emergency and supersedes the normal Department chain of command.  This chain of command includes an EOC team and field commands developed to deal directly with the emergency, Station/Unit activities and other regional/Divisional activities as they relate to the emergency.

The Department Incident Commander may also perform the Sheriff's duties as the County's Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Coordinator for the Operational Area as described in the County Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Organization Operations Plan.

The Department Incident Commander may also act as the coordinator of law enforcement activities on behalf of the Sheriff in his role as the Regional Law Enforcement Coordinator for Region I (Los Angeles and Orange Counties) as described in the California Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Plan.  He may also act as the point contact between Region I and any other Law Enforcement Region in the State.