5-06/090.05 - Hazardous Material Spill At a Station or Jail Facility or Any Sheriff's Facility

Should a PCP or other hazardous material spill occur at a Station, jail facility or any Department facility, the following procedure shall be followed:

  • If the contaminated area is air-conditioned, immediately turn off the air conditioning system;
  • Evacuate the exposed area.  Department personnel shall not attempt cleanup without authorization of the Health Department or Fire Department;
  • Notify the Fire Department/Paramedics;
  • Leave all pertinent exterior doors open for ventilation;
  • Notify the District Attorney's Office;
  • The District Attorney's Office shall respond to the facility, if deemed necessary by the Watch Commander, to assist with the coordination of the cleanup of the spilled substance; and
  • If additional technical resources are required, the District Attorney's Office shall be responsible for making the notifications.