5-06/090.00 - Disposal of Chemicals - Hazardous Material Spills

Hazardous waste" means any waste, or combination of wastes, which causes or significantly contributes to an increase in mortality, or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness, or poses a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or environment.

All illicit chemical sites and incidents involving hazardous materials/wastes (e.g. illegally dumped or abandoned chemicals, dangerous chemical spills, toxic wastes and petroleum products, etc.) shall be immediately evacuated and secured.  Specific attention shall be given to possible noxious gases or vapors and related risk of fire.  A Hazardous Materials Incident Data Sheet (SH-R-396) shall be completed.  The Environmental Crimes Unit of the District Attorney’s Office, shall be notified immediately.  Between 0800 - 1700 hours, call (213) 580-8777.  After 1700 hours and on weekends/holidays, call the District Attorney's Command Center, (213) 974-3607.  Mailing address:  District Attorney's Office, Environmental Crimes Unit, 201 North Figueroa Street, Suite 1200, Los Angeles, California 90012, Attention: Richard Sullivan.

Deputies shall not handle dangerous chemicals, materials or wastes.  The District Attorney's investigators shall be responsible for the investigation of illegal hazardous materials/wastes incidents.

The Incident Commander shall contact the District Attorney's Office investigators, who shall provide assistance, as needed.  The decision to respond to the scene rests with the District Attorney's Office.

While at the scene of an incident, District Attorney investigators may act as advisors to the Incident Commander and as liaison for all involved agencies.

The Aero Bureau Watch Commander shall be notified via telephone or radio by the Watch Commander of the concerned Unit.  It shall be the responsibility of the Aero Bureau Watch Commander to notify the concerned local airport or FAA Operations Center whenever air operations could be affected by the chemical contamination.  Aero Bureau shall maintain liaison and coordinate air operations with other government aircraft involved in the operation.  The Incident Commander shall also notify the Emergency Operations Bureau.