5-06/020.45 - Intelligence

Intelligence refers to the efforts directed toward the gathering, recording, evaluating and disseminating all pertinent information relating to an incident.  The timely flow of accurate and reliable intelligence is essential for effective decision making.

Large operations require an intelligence network be installed, operated and maintained to ensure accurate, timely and reliable intelligence.  This network is supervised by the Intelligence Officer-in-Charge (OIC).  The Intelligence OIC may direct individuals or Units to perform information collection services.  Other duties may include:

  • Collect and analyze information from Station/Unit /facility Watch Commanders;
  • Establish and maintain liaison with other law enforcement agencies, municipalities, military organizations or County departments;
  • Provide data for status and resource boards or situation maps in the Department Operations Center, the County Emergency Operations Center or Field Command Post;
  • Collect and analyze situation assessments;
  • Provide a forecast of anticipated events which may impact the successful resolution of an incident;
  • Capture essential historical data and provide input for an after action report; and
  • Arrange for the debriefing of command and supervisory personnel at the conclusion of an incident.

Units which may be called upon to provide information/intelligence may include, but are not limited to:

  • Major Crimes Bureau;
  • Special Enforcement Bureau;
  • Safe Streets Bureau;
  • Aero Bureau;
  • Station/Unit detectives; and
  • Station/Unit crime analysis.

For further information refer to EOP 1-7.