5-06/020.50 - Sheriff's Department Operations Center (DOC)

The DOC, located at 1275 N. Eastern Avenue, Los Angeles, is the management center from which the necessary executive and staff personnel coordinate the use of Department resources during emergencies.  The manager of the DOC (EOC Team Chief), is in charge of the emergency as the Department Incident Commander.  His emergency staff or team is comprised of the Emergency Operations Bureau and selected Department members which is configured consistent with the State's Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS).

When activated, the DOC is primarily concerned with policy implementation, strategic planning, operation concept and directives, and logistical coordination of law enforcement assets.  Other law enforcement agencies, Department and/or State resources are controlled through the DOC.  Tactical planning and local control of forces remain the responsibility of field or local Incident Commanders.

The DOC may be activated upon the request and on the authority of an Area Commander, or higher ranking executive, or any Unit Commander or Watch Commander acting on the authority of any of these individuals.

During normal business hours, activation shall be accomplished by notifying the Emergency Operations Bureau.  Activation during all other hours can be effected by contacting the Emergency Operations Bureau staff via the Sheriff's Communications Center (SCC) Watch Commander or Sheriff's Headquarter’s Bureau (SHB).

Activation of the County Emergency Operations Center, which is collocated with the DOC, may be appropriate during any war-caused emergency or any natural disaster or threat thereof.  These events may include, but are not limited to, fires, flooding, storms or earthquakes, wherein it appears that large numbers of Department, County, or State resources may be required.