5-06/000.25 - Supplemental Emergency Plans

Unit Commanders shall be responsible for the development of supplemental emergency plans for their respective facilities.

The plans shall include a Station/facility EOC organization chart and current Station/facility EOC team rosters.

Procedural guidelines for Station/Unit mobilization and public/private sector resource allocation shall also be addressed.

Of particular concern are potential hazards within Station/Unit jurisdictions such as oil refineries, airports, marinas, major fault zones and dams.

Local Department emergency plans should correspond with the planning efforts of contract cities, major industrial centers and other critical facilities in the Station/Unit area.

Station/Unit planners shall refer to the EOP manual, the State's Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) regulations and guidelines and appropriate incident specific portions of the County Multihazard Functional Plan.  These documents should be a part of Station/Unit libraries and are intended to give direction and guidance when developing plans.

SEMS is the system required by Government Code section 8607 for the management of multi-agency and multi-jurisdictional emergencies in California.

One of the organizational levels that is activated during an emergency is field response.  The Incident Command System (ICS) is a part of field response and is a critical tool that has been developed to assist Incident Commanders with a flexible method of organizing activities in an emergency or disaster situation.

The ICS is divided into functional areas under the Incident Commander.  These areas are defined in EOP 1-7.  The staffing procedures and general operating guidelines may also be found in EOP 1-7.

These functional areas are duplicated in the Station/Unit EOC or DOC, to assist with management of the incident.  Command of the incident must remain at the field level.