5-06/000.30 - Unusual Occurrence Control Number (UO)

An Unusual Occurrence Control Number is a 901 series overtime number issued by Financial Programs Bureau, during business hours, for the purpose of tracking overtime and other expenditures connected to an unusual event.  During non-business hours, these control numbers are issued by the Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau Media Section.  When noted in the Control Number section of an Overtime Worked Report (SH-R-251), the overtime worked becomes indexed by that number when it is submitted to C.W.T.A.P.P.S.  This action supports the recovery of overtime data for recapitulation reports, and cost recovery when applicable.

The Control Number may also be utilized in conjunction with the Department's Mobile Digital Communications System (MDCS) to track regular and overtime activities connected to a specific event.

It is important to note that the issuance of a Control Number does not create funding nor automatically assign indebtedness elsewhere, it simply serves as a method for tracking expenditures.

For additional information, refer to section 3-02/300.10.