5-04/030.10 - Department Evidence Courier System

Scientific Services Bureau shall provide personnel for an evidence courier system for the regular pickup and delivery of evidence to be examined by the laboratory.  Courier service to stations/units, regional laboratories, and participating law enforcement agencies will be dependent upon the personnel resources of Scientific Services Bureau.


Scientific Services Bureau evidence couriers shall NOT, except upon prior approval of the bureau commander or his representative:


  • Transport narcotics evidence, except for cannabis, in excess of eight ounces or approximately 227 grams per each file number.  Couriers may transport that amount of cannabis evidence which is reasonable and manageable by the courier, but not to exceed five pounds;
  • Transport currency in excess of $400.00;
  • Transport liquid blood samples for examination by the Biology Section;
  • Transport firearms for which a safety check has not been performed and documented; 
  • Transport possible fire debris evidence which:
    • Is not properly contained in vapor barrier packaging such as metal cans or Kapak® heat sealable containers;
    • Is contained in appropriate packaging material but inadequately sealed as indicated by odor;
    • Contains possible ignitable liquids in excess of one fluid ounce (about 30 ml);
  • Transport possible explosives and/or explosive devices;
  • Transport bulky items;
  • Transport large quantities of evidence; and
  • Transport Nitrous Oxide (N2O) tanks.