5-04/040.00 - Booking of Property/Evidence Items

All items or coherently packaged groups of like items of property and evidence pertaining to a case are listed and described in a designated section of the Incident Report (SH-R-49) or on the Evidence/Property Listing page as an addendum to the Incident Report (SH-R-49).  Prisoners’ property shall be listed on a B&PR (SH-J-293).

All such property and evidence, including prisoner property that does not accompany the prisoner to a custody facility, shall be entered into PRELIMS as soon as possible, labeled, and placed in an appropriate storage location, and that transfer shall be logged in PRELIMS.  (See sections 5-04/040.20 Initial Booking Of Property/Evidence In PRELIMS and 5-04/040.40 Property/Evidence Label.)

A Receipt for Found Property (SH-AD-213) shall be prepared by Department personnel for any property that is not inmate property or property not held as evidence and shall be given to the individual that found the property.  See section 5-04/120.00 Found Property.

A Receipt for Property (SH-AD-19) shall be prepared by Department personnel for any property held as evidence, property held for safekeeping, or property surrendered for purposes of destruction or disposition and shall be given to the owner, if known, or individual relinquishing custody of the property. See sections 5-04/140.00 Surrendered Property and 5-04/150.00 Property for Safekeeping.