5-03/165.15 - Station to LAC/USC Medical Center

The Station shall:

  • Arrange for delivery of the prebooked prisoner to the jail ward; and
  • Forward three fingerprint cards with Records and Identification Bureau (blue) copy of B&PR (SH-J-293) to the Records and Identification Bureau, Attn:  Fingerprint Section.

The transporting officer shall:

  • Deliver the prisoner to the jail ward officer;
  • Deliver cash, property, form envelope and all warrants, commitment papers, etc., to the jail ward officer;
  • If transported by Station personnel, return the Station (white) copy of the B&PR with the signature of the jail ward officer to the Station; and
  • If transported by Transportation Bureau, make appropriate entries on the transmittal sheet.

The jail ward officer shall sign the Station (white) copy of the B&PR or the transmittal sheet for the prisoner.

If not prebooked, refer to section 5-03/040.00.

Refer to section 5-03/055.00 when a prisoner is unable to complete next-of-kin notification.