5-02/110.20 - Regular Non-Emergent Care

Dependent Minors
Routine requests for non-emergency medical consent where parental consent is not available or where the parent or guardian refuses to give consent shall be referred to the DCFS Court Liaison Social Worker at the Children’s Court, (213) 526-6790.

Non-dependent Minors
Requests for non-emergent medical consent where parental consent is not available shall be referred to the DCFS Medical Consent Unit located at the Child Abuse Hotline (800) 540-4000.

If need for other than extreme emergency medical care is determined by the examining doctor and the DCFS will not authorize medical treatment, the Deputy transporting the subject shall see if the examining doctor will admit the minor to a contract hospital or to LAC/USC Medical Center as a temporary measure pending locating parents for medical consent.

If the doctor will not admit the minor to a contract hospital and LAC/USC Medical Center will not accept the minor, the Deputy shall attempt to locate responsible relatives or friends to care for the minor pending obtaining parental or court consent for treatment.

If no relatives, friends, or neighbors who will accept custody of the minor are located, the subject will be detained at MacLaren Children's Center or at a foster home.