5-02/110.15 - Extreme Emergency Care

All requests for medical consent on behalf of a minor in extreme emergency situations, when no parent or guardian is available, will be handled by the DCFS.

If the doctor determines that it is a case of extreme emergency, request the doctor to phone one of the following DCFS locations and state the case is one of extreme emergency and that treatment must be performed immediately for the welfare of the child.

  • 0800-1700 hours - Business days, DCFS Juvenile Court Liaison Social Worker at Edelman Children’s Court (213) 526-6790; or
  • 1700-0800 hours - Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, Contact DCFS hotline (800) 540-4000.

NOTE:    Only the doctor can arrange for emergency medical consent.  The Deputy handling the case shall not attempt to arrange consent.