5-02/050.40 - Juvenile Petition Request - Responsibility and Distribution

Investigative Units' Responsibility
The Commander of the investigative Unit originating the juvenile petition request shall be responsible for:

  • Reviewing all petition requests for accuracy and required content;
  • Maintaining juvenile court disposition records;
  • Timely submission of juvenile petition requests to DCFS or where applicable, to the Probation Department;
  • Image original petition into electronic archive SECDA; and
  • Entry of petition information into the Juvenile Automated Index (JAI) system.

The following procedures shall be followed:

Detained Petition - All 300 WIC Cases

  • One complete set of the detained juvenile petition request (petition request with affidavit, JAI printout, arrest report, supplemental and/or related reports, and witness list) shall be prepared by the investigating Unit;
  • A copy of the completed juvenile petition request shall be forwarded to Intake and Detention Control; and
  • The original petition request shall be imaged into electronic archive SECDA.

Detained Petition - All 602 WIC Cases

  • One complete set of the detained juvenile petition request (petition request with affidavit, JAI printout, arrest report, supplemental and/or related reports, and witness list) shall be prepared by the investigating Unit;
  • Four complete sets of the detained juvenile petition request shall be prepared and delivered to the District Attorney's office of the juvenile court which has jurisdiction over the case.  This delivery must be within statutory time limits that govern delivery of documents to the probation officer;
  • A Juvenile Hall Entrance Form (76E608J), booking slip, Probable Cause Declaration and all available reports justifying the detention shall accompany the juvenile to Juvenile Hall; and
  • The original petition request shall be imaged into electronic archive SECDA.

Released Petition - All 300 WIC Cases and 602 WIC Cases

  • One complete set of the released juvenile petition request (petition request with affidavit, JAI printout, arrest report, supplemental and/or related reports and witness list) shall be prepared by the investigating Unit;
  • 300 cases shall be forwarded to the Edmund Edelman Children's Court, Court Liaison, and 602 WIC.  All 653.5 WIC cases are delivered to the District Attorney’s Office.  All 601 WIC cases and 652 WIC; and
  • The original petition request shall be imaged into electronic archive SECDA.

Released Petition - All 602 WIC Intercept Cases shall be handled in the same manner as 602 WIC Detained Intercept petitions (see above procedure in Detained Petition - 602 WIC Intercept cases).

List any companions involved under the narrative heading in the following manner:  name, age, disposition, i.e., detained, petition requested, etc.

In the section titled "Companions," list only juvenile companions on whose behalf a petition request will be submitted. (The disposition will be "Detained Petition Requested.")

In cases where petitions are requested, investigators will complete and include a supplemental report.  This report should be a concise statement of facts, describing the investigator's contact with victims, witnesses, parents of the minor, and any other interested parties.  Interviews with the minor, Miranda advisement and waiver, Gladys R. issues, admissions and/or alibis shall be included.