5-02/050.45 - Juvenile Traffic Violations - Citation Not Issued

When a juvenile is arrested for law violations which include traffic offenses, but no traffic citation is issued at the time of arrest, the following procedures shall apply:

  • When a petition is requested (detained or released), the traffic violations will be alleged in addition to the major offense; or
  • When no petition is requested for the major offense, the investigating detective shall prepare a traffic citation for the violation and have the juvenile sign the citation directing him to appear with one parent at the proper court, in 60 calendar days from the date of the issuance of the citation.  If the 60th day is a non-court day, the minor will be cited to the next available court day.  The Notice to Appear shall be completed and processed as outlined in section 5-02/050.50. Mail the court copy of the citation with copies of the Complaint and Supplemental Reports, within seven calendar days, to the Los Angeles Central Processing Unit of the Informal Juvenile and Traffic Court Headquarters.  Additionally, a photocopy of the Notice(s) to Appear and four copies of all applicable reports shall be forwarded to the appropriate District Attorney’s Office within seven calendar days from the date of the issuance of the Notice to Appear.

NOTE:    A minor cannot appear both in delinquency court and Informal Juvenile and Traffic Court (also known as Informal court) for multiple offenses resulting from a single arrest.  Either the minor must be petitioned to delinquency court for the criminal violations and the traffic offenses or cited to the Informal court solely for the traffic offenses.  If the minor had been issued a citation at the time of arrest and will be petitioned to delinquency court for criminal violations occurring at the same time, the citation to Informal court must be withdrawn and voided.  A new Notice to Appear shall be issued to the minor directing them to delinquency court as outlined in section 5-02/050.52.