4-02/010.05 - Retention Code (Time Element)

The time element of the URN is a combination of the predetermined retention period code and the current year.  The retention code is the first digit followed by the second and third digits indicating the reporting year.

The first digit of the three digit time element will be a "9" or "0" and represents the retention period.

"9"       indicates the standard retention which is used for all reports not specifically designated as a "0" retention.

"0"       indicates an infinite retention period and is issued for homicides, dead bodies, Deputy-involved shootings, missing persons (adults or juveniles), firearms (stolen, lost), sex crimes, child abuse, elder abuse, domestic violence, animal cruelty, potential homeland security activity, arson, major injuries to inmates, suicide, attempt suicide, and offenses where there is no statute of limitation.

If LARCIS is unavailable, and a “Manual URN” must be used, assign the retention based upon the following table.  If the Statistical Code is not listed, assign the URN a "9" retention.


012    Criminal Homicide: Manslaughter, Voluntary/Involuntary

013    Deputy Involved Shooting/Suspect Dead

021    Rape, Forcible: Rape by Force

022    Rape, Forcible: Attempt Assault, Rape by Force

023    Rape by Force, Female under 18

024    Attempt Assault, Rape by Force, Female under 18

050    Assault, Aggravated: Domestic Violence

059    Assault, Aggravated: Child Assault

120    Sex Felonies: Sex Crimes Against Children (Under 14 Years)

121    Sex Felonies: Unlawful Sexual Intercourse

122    Exploitation of Child via Internet

123    Sex Felonies: Incest

124    Sex Felonies: Pandering

125    Sex Felonies: Pimping

126    Failing to Register as Sex Offender - Felony

127    Oral Copulation

128    Sex Felonies: Sodomy

129    Sex Felonies: All Other Sex Felonies

130    Sex Misdemeanors: Indecent Exposure

132    Sex Misdemeanors: Keep/Live House of Ill Fame

133    Sex Misdemeanors: Engage/Solicit Lewd or Obscene Conduct

134    Sex Misdemeanors: Annoy/Molest Children

135    Exploitation of Child via Internet (Misd)

136    Sex Misdemeanors: Prostitution, Solicit/Engage/Seduce Minor under 18

137    Child Pornography

138    Failing to Register as Sex Offender - Misd.

139    Sex Misdemeanors: All Other Sex Misdemeanors

146    Assault, Non-aggravated: Domestic Violence

149    Assault, Misdemeanor: Child Assault

154    Weapon Laws: Weapons of Mass Destruction: Felony

171    Offenses Against Family: Abandonment

172    Offenses Against Family: Child Neglect

173    Offenses Against Family: Failure to Provide

174    Offenses Against Family: Elder Abuse

175    Offenses Against Family: Domestic Violence (Other than Physical Assault)

176    Mental Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse

177    Fiduciary Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse

178    Dependent Adult Abuse: Mental, Physical, Fiduciary

216    Disorderly Conduct: Peeping and/or Prowling

251    Vehicle and Boating Laws: Hit and Run, Felony (Cause Injury or Death)

270    Arson: Single Occupancy Residential

271    Arson: Other Residential (Apts, Hotels, Dorms, etc.)

272    Arson: Storage (Barns, Garages, Warehouses, etc.)

273    Arson: Industrial/Manufacturing

274    Arson: Other Commercial (Stores, Restaurants, etc.)

275    Arson: Community/Public (Churches, Jails, Schools, etc.)

276    Arson: All Other Structures (Bldg under Construction)

277    Arson: Motor Vehicles (Autos, Trucks, Buses, M/C etc.)

278    Arson: Other Mobile Property (Trailer, Boat, Airplane, Motor Home)

279    Arson: All Others

307    Fed Offenses W/T Money: Mann Act (Interstate Transportation of Female for Prostitution)

321    Felonies, Miscellaneous: Bigamy

323    Felonies, Miscellaneous: Escape, Adult/Juvenile

327    Felonies, Miscellaneous: Child Stealing

331    Felonies, Miscellaneous: Solicit to Commit Murder/Rape/Certain Felonies

333    Felonies, Miscellaneous: Unlawful Use Explosives

334    Felonies, Miscellaneous: Unlawful Possession Explosives

338    Felonies, Misc: Manslaughter, Negligent Driving (192(c)(1) P.C.)

390    Misdemeanors, Miscellaneous: Cruelty to Animals

395    Misdemeanors, Misc: Manslaughter, Non-neg Driving (192(c)(2) P.C.)

397    Misdemeanors, Miscellaneous: Parole/Probation Violation

400    Persons Missing or Found: Adult, Missing, Lost or Found

401    Persons Missing or Found: Juvenile, Found

402    Persons Missing or Found: Juvenile, Lost, Runaway or Missing

403    Juvenile Lost, Missing or Runaway, Courtesy Report for Another Agency

410    Juvenile, Non-criminal: Juvenile, Lack of Supervision (WIC 300(a))

411    Juvenile, Non-criminal: Juvenile Destitute, Unfit Home (WIC 300(b))

416    Juvenile, Non-criminal: SCAR - Further Investigation Required

418    Non-criminal: Suspicious Circumstances, Possible Child Abuse

419    Suspected Child Abuse Report – SCAR which is determined to be unfounded, no crime

449    Non-criminal: Domestic Violence

451    Suicide and Attempt: Suicide, Adult

452    Suicide and Attempt: Suicide, Juvenile

453    Suicide and Attempt: Suicide, Inmate

455    Suicide and Attempt: Attempt Suicide, Adult

456    Suicide and Attempt: Attempt Suicide, Juvenile

457    Suicide and Attempt: Attempt Suicide, Inmate

458    Suicide and Attempt: Inmate Injury/Feigned Attempt Suicide

461    Mentally Ill: Persons Mentally Ill

462    Mentally Ill: Persons Mentally Ill Escapee

470    Accidents, Traffic-vehicle or Boat: Accident, Traffic (Fatal)

491    Persons Dead: Person Dead, Natural Causes

492    Persons Dead: Person Dead, Industrial Accident

493    Persons Dead: Person Dead, Home Accident

494    Persons Dead: Person Dead, Recreational Accident

495    Persons Dead: Person Dead, Overdose Narcotics/Drugs

496    Persons Dead: Person Dead, Other (Unknown Cause)

499    Persons Dead: Person Dead, Inmate

502    Miscellaneous: Injury to County Employee

520    Miscellaneous: Hate Crime (Race)

521    Miscellaneous: Hate Crime (Ethnicity)

522    Miscellaneous: Hate Crime (Religion)

523    Miscellaneous: Hate Crime (Sexual Orientation)

524    Miscellaneous: Hate Crime (Physical Disability)

525    Miscellaneous: Hate Crime (Mental Disability)

526    Miscellaneous: Hate Crime (Gender)

529    Hate Incidents - non Criminal

601    Reasonable Cause Arrests: Criminal Homicide

602    Reasonable Cause Arrests: Rape, Forcible and Statutory

680    Non-criminal, Custody Incidents: Inmate Incidents

681    Non-criminal, Custody Incidents - Significant Inmate Incidents

682    Non-criminal, Custody Incidents - Minor Inmate Disturbance

683    Non-criminal, Custody Incidents - Major Inmate Disturbance

684    Non-criminal, Custody Incidents - Inmate Riot

685    Non-criminal, Custody Incidents - Modified Lockdown

686    Non-criminal, Custody Incidents - Lockdown

687    Non-criminal, Custody Incidents - Inmate Sick/Injured

688    Non-criminal, Custody Incidents-injury to Community Worker/Work Related

705    Issuance of Restraining Orders

706    Injury to Community Services Worker/Work Release Inmate

707    Suspicious Circumstance - Elder Abuse

708    Suspicious Circumstance - Domestic Violence

709    Suspicious Circumstance - Possible Terrorist Related Incident

741    Registrant - Sex

742    Registrant - Arson

743    Registrant - Narcotic

744    Registrant - Gang

785    Handgun Registration, Voluntary

811    Parole Compliance Check

831    Family Abuse Related Incidents - RAPS Only

860    Gang Related

When the crime or incident to be reported is not given in the alphabetical portion of the Case Assignment and Reporting Volume, one of the following priorities, retention periods and statistical codes will be used.

Felonies, Miscellaneous; priority 33; retention period (9); statistical code 339 - All Other Felonies.

Misdemeanors, Miscellaneous; priority 39; retention period (9); statistical code 399 - All Other Misdemeanors.

Miscellaneous, Noncriminal; priority 44; retention period (9); statistical code 444 - Suspicious Circumstances - possible criminal activity.

If circumstances in the facts of a case change after an URN has been assigned, the URN must be changed to accurately reflect the true nature of the reported case.  Change in any segment of the URN shall be described in a supplemental report as outlined in section 4-01/020.40.

For example, if the victim of an assault with a deadly weapon (knife) originally reported under statistical code 052 subsequently dies, the case is changed to a homicide, which changes the statistical code to 011, murder, retention to zero (0).  Any updates in LARCIS, such as the one above, will automatically cause a review of all of the statistical codes relating to that incident, and could automatically increase or decrease the retention.  URN changes which are made pursuant to a change in Department policy do not require a supplemental report.