4-02/010.00 - Uniform Report Number (URN)

To accurately classify and compile statistical information, a 15 digit report number shall be used.

The 15 digits of the report number represent codes for five basic elements as follows:

  • First digit - record retention period by number of years retention;
  • Second and third digits - last two numbers of the reporting year;
  • Fourth through eighth digits - sequential number of the reports processed each year by the reporting Unit;
  • Ninth through twelfth digits - reporting district or Unit designation number; and
  • Thirteenth through fifteenth digits - statistical code (Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Reporting System (FBI/UCR)) for the crime or incident being reported.

To geographically represent the composition of a uniform report number (URN), an example is given to show how the twenty-fifth report number issued by East Los Angeles Station on January 1, 2010, would look if the crime reported is "Burglary, Residence - Night, Entry by Force."

EXAMPLE:    910 -00025-0284-061 - which represents the following:


Retention period of 9 years,
10 Reporting year is 2010,
00025 25th report taken and processed for year 2010; subsequent reports will be coded 00026, 00027, etc.,
0284 Reporting District code number for East Los Angeles Station - location of crime. If this was 0200, it would indicate: ELA report, no particular RD involved,
061 Statistical Code representing "Burglary, Residence - Night, Entry by Force."