4-01/100.20 - Reports to Be Sent by Fax

The originating Unit shall send the following reports only, via Fax, to the Units indicated:

  • Homicide Bureau (on first reports having an assignment or joint assignment with Homicide Bureau) to:
    • Homicide Bureau.
  • Escapee Complaints (first reports) to:
    • Fugitive/Warrant Detail.

It is the receiving Unit's responsibility to assure that a copy of the fax report is forwarded to RIB marked "Records and Identification Bureau File Copy."

  • Narcotics Reports (to be sent by Narcotics Bureau Headquarters) to:
    • Narcotics Bureau crew at Station originating the report; and
    • Copy via Fax to RIB.

The Station/Unit originating the report shall be responsible for making the necessary Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System (LARCIS) entries.

When a report is sent, via fax, the original of the report shall not be sent to the Unit, as this would result in duplicate processing.

Other reports shall be sent, via fax, to the Detective Division, only when an urgent request for same is received from the respective Detective Division Bureau.

Reports of cases between Stations or from a Station to another law enforcement agency shall be sent via JDIC when they involve matters of mutually urgent interest.

Supplemental Reports which are confidential shall be handled as outlined under section 4-01/020.60.