4-01/100.15 - Special Request Distributions (SRD)

Whenever an SRD is indicated in a case assignment reporting procedure, the originating Unit shall send a copy of the report directly to the Unit, agency, other County department, etc. indicated.

There are a number of specific cases which require SRD’s but cannot be covered in the alphabetical sections.  The following SRD’s shall be observed in addition to any given in the alphabetical sections:

Advanced Training Bureau

  • In any incident where either the Arwen, Stun-bag, Sting-ball or Taser is used, a Supervisor’s Deployment Report (SH-R-432) shall be completed.  A copy of the checklist and Incident Report (if required) shall be forwarded to the range master within 48 hours.

Aero Bureau

  • Any incident involving Bureau activities or personnel.

Communications and Fleet Management Bureau

  • Any incident involving stolen, lost or major damage to any of the Department's communication equipment.

Custody Division Administration

  • Escapes; and/or
  • Any incident affecting a prisoner's erroneous release.

Detective - Area Commanders

  • Any incident of special interest to the administration, such as officer involved in a shooting or major disturbance.

Fiscal Administration

  • Any incident involving loss, damage to or theft of Department prisoner's or member's property;
  • Search and rescue; and/or
  • Any incident involving the loss, theft, damage or recovery of Department owned firearms and safety equipment to Central Supply/Logistics Warehouse at Sheriff’s Training and Regional Services Center (S.T.A.R.S.).

Patrol Divisions - Area Commanders

  • Any incident of special interest to the administration, such as officer involved in a shooting, code 3 accidents, major disturbances, etc.

Countywide Services Division - Area Commanders

  • Any incident of special interest to the administration, such as officer involved in a shooting, code 3 accidents, major disturbances, etc.

Homeland Security Division - Area Commanders

  • Any incident of special interest to the administration, such as officer involved in a shooting, code 3 accidents, major disturbances, etc.

Parks Bureau

  • Any incident involving L.A. County Parks and Recreation Department employees that occur in a county park;
  • Any incident involving loss, theft, damage or recovery of L.A. County Parks and Recreation Department property; and/or
  • Any high grade felony occurring within an L.A. County Park.

Technical Services Division / Crime Analysis Program

  • Hate crimes;
  • Homicide;
  • Assaults on deputies;
  • Suicide with firearm or accidental shooting where victim is 18 years of age or younger; and/or
  • Anti-reproductive rights crimes.

Reserve Forces Bureau

  • Reserves involved as victims, suspects, or informants;
  • Mountain rescues; and/or
  • Reserve headquarters Unit reports.

Traffic Services Detail

  • Any fatality or serious injury in a traffic collision; and/or
  • All traffic collision reports involving Department vehicles.

Transportation Bureau

  • Any incident involving Bureau Deputies or prisoners in the custody of Bureau Deputies.

Technical Services Division / Crime Analysis Program shall:

  • Supervise and audit the Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System (LARCIS) statistical reporting system to maintain timely and accurate weekly, monthly, and annual reports;
  • Provide user surveys, research and special reports regarding statistical needs of the Department;
  • Recommend system modifications and report formats to meet Department goals; and
  • Conduct inspections of various Bureaus and Station to audit compliance with report writing , data entry, and case management policies and procedures.