4-01/060.05 - Incident Reports

All Incident Report shall include the RD number for the location at which the crime, incident or arrest occurred.

If an arrest is made subsequent to a crime and two or more RDs are involved, the RD where the action began should be shown (i.e., a suspected drunk driver is first observed in RD 242 and is stopped in RD 243.  The location would be RD 242).

All personnel using the "Deputy's Daily Worksheet" shall indicate the reporting district number in the column headed "RD" for any entry resulting from police action.

Units such as the Narcotics Bureau, Major Crimes Bureau, etc. shall use appropriate RD numbers when the incident being reported occurs in either an unincorporated area or a contract city.  See section 4-02/010.20 for instructions on reports to be coded with the special Unit designation numbers.