4-01/060.10 - Courtesy Reports

Courtesy reports from areas policed by the Sheriff (including contract cities) will bear the reporting district number of the location of occurrence.  For example, a report taken by an East Los Angeles crew on an incident occurring in Norwalk will require a Norwalk URN.  Deputy personnel must contact the Station they are taking the report for (In this example Norwalk) and obtain their RD number for the incident.  Normal procedures are then used to request an URN via the Mobil Digital Terminal (MDT), using the RD supplied by the concerned Station.

On courtesy reports for areas not policed by the Sheriff, the reporting district of an URN will be the Station designation number where the report is taken, coupled with the number 99.  For example, a report taken at ELA Station would use 0299 as the reporting district.  This prevents the incident from being attached statistically to the Station receiving the report.  Indicate in the heading and the body of the report the location of occurrence.