3-10/410.00 - Deputy Responsibilities

The Deputy assigned to write the first report (SH-R-49) shall provide details briefly describing the initial contact between Department personnel and the suspect. The report shall conclude by stating that a shooting occurred.  No further details about the shooting or why it occurred shall be written.  With the exception of those firing weapons or witnessing the shooting, supplemental reports shall be written by all personnel involved with the shooting incident/scene to document their observations and actions.

A canvass of the immediate area for witnesses shall be conducted without delay and area canvass cards (SH-R-471) shall be completed and given to Homicide investigators.  Deputies canvassing an area who submit supplemental reports need only write what area was canvassed and how many canvass cards were turned in to Homicide investigators.

Supplemental reports of civilian witness statements shall not be written by Field Deputies unless exigent circumstances exist.  For example, if a witness refuses to stay at the scene, and a Deputy believes the witness’ statement cannot be taken at a later time and must be taken immediately, the Deputy identifying the witness may interview the person and complete a supplemental report to document the interview.  If possible, the interview should be recorded (audio or video).