3-10/420.00 - Supervisor's Responsibilities

The first supervisor to arrive at the scene shall ensure that the injured have been cared for, suspects have been apprehended, and the scene has been protected.  After obtaining a brief description of the circumstances from them, the supervisor shall ensure that involved personnel are transported to the Station, Unit of assignment, or other suitable location without delay by uninvolved Deputies.

The first supervisor at the scene shall ensure that all civilian witnesses have been identified and shall attempt to have the witnesses, except for immediate family members, transported to the Station to be interviewed by Homicide investigators.  Immediate family members of the wounded or deceased person, who may be witnesses, shall also be identified.  If possible, considering the emotional impact of the situation, brief facts should be obtained to determine the extent of their knowledge of the incident.  This information shall be furnished to Homicide Bureau investigators, who have the responsibility of determining the need for interviewing family members.

Supervisors, both at the scene and at the Station, shall ensure that no one questions or interviews involved personnel, except as set forth above, until the arrival of Homicide investigators, and that the witnesses are cared for and kept separated as space permits.


Deputies who have sustained minor injuries, not requiring hospitalization, should remain in their current attire and postpone cleaning up until they have been photographed.

Watch Commander Responsibilities

The Watch Commander shall assign a Department member to provide aid and assistance as needed.  That person shall avoid discussing the facts of the incident with personnel involved in the shooting. Numerous interviews of personnel involved in shootings prior to the arrival of Homicide Bureau personnel can negatively affect the ability of some individuals to relate facts accurately to Homicide investigators.  All mandated notifications which the Watch Commander makes shall be verbal.  A Chief’s Memo regarding the incident will not be written.  No written notifications of the event shall be forwarded to the media, local dignitaries, or personnel of any rank.  These notification procedures shall also apply to Deputy involved non‑hit shootings as well.

Unit Commander Responsibilities

It shall be the responsibility of each Unit Commander to ensure that a sufficient supply of “Deputy Involved Shooting Information and Resources” pamphlets are maintained and available for distribution in the aftermath of a shooting incident or upon request.

Area Commander Responsibilities

It shall be the responsibility of the involved employee’s Division Commander to complete the “Deputy Involved Shooting Commander’s Checklist.”  For shootings which involve employees from different Divisions, the Commander responsible for completing the checklist will be decided upon mutual agreement by the involved employees’ Division Commanders.  It is critical that the Commander review each section of the checklist for applicability to the incident and implement the recommended actions as needed.  The checklist shall be submitted to the involved employee’s Division Chief or Division Director on the first business day following the incident.  It shall be retained within the Division’s shooting book.

The Commander will ensure that the “Deputy Involved Shooting Information and Resources” pamphlets are distributed to all concerned parties, as appropriate.  The pamphlet is designed to provide information about what occurs in the aftermath of a Deputy‑involved shooting incident.

The Commander shall be responsible for ensuring that the concerned investigative Units’ needs are met, for arbitrating any conflicts between investigative Units, and for approving any deviation from the hit and non‑hit shooting investigation protocols.

The on‑scene Tactical Commander shall be responsible for handling all Commander level responsibilities associated with a Special Enforcement Bureau/SWT response.