2-07/080.60 - Special Projects Team

  • Develop programs directed at increasing productivity through computer automation;
  • Create databases to capture and track information utilized by personnel at Administrative and Training Division;
  • Facilitate any workforce reduction caused through facility closure or budgetary constraint, ensuring compliance with all laws, policies and employee union agreements;
  • Provide a selection process for facilitating job relocation for displaced employees and job reclassification to those facing possible layoffs;
  • Act as a resource for Department Executives in researching, development and implementation of innovative ideas aimed at benefitting the Department;
  • Administer and coordinate the Employee Information System (E.I.S.);
  • Administer and coordinate the County Wide Timekeeping and Payroll Personnel System (C.W.T.A.P.P.S.); and
  • Process and facilitate requests for Employee Information System (E.I.S.) and County Wide Timekeeping and Payroll Personnel System (C.W.T.A.P.P.S) reports.