1-01/040.00 - Manual Revisions (MR)

Proposed manual revisions (MR) are edited, processed, published, and distributed by the Field Operations Support Services (FOSS) Unit, Risk Management Bureau, Professional Standards Division. 

Upon notification from a unit commander or higher level management that an MR is required, the FOSS Unit shall assign a section or subsection number to the proposed revision, if necessary.  The MR shall be based upon a draft or outline from the requestor.  If the procedure is complex and/or involves units other than the requesting unit, the FOSS Unit shall submit the proposal to these units for review and comment to ensure accuracy, appropriateness, and procedural facilitation.  The proposed revision should be returned to the FOSS Unit as soon as possible.  A second submission shall be conducted if substantive changes were requested.  Units shall make every effort to complete their review to the first draft in a timely manner.

After submissions are completed, the proposed MR shall be submitted to each assistant sheriff and the Undersheriff.  Upon receiving the proposed revision, the assistant sheriffs and Undersheriff shall review and approve the MR by signing the signature page accompanying the MR.   The MR and signature page shall be returned to the FOSS Unit.

Upon approval by all assistant sheriffs and the Undersheriff, the proposed MR shall be published and established as Department policy and procedure.