1-01/040.05 - Distribution of Manual Revisions

It is the responsibility of all unit commanders to ensure personnel in their command are advised and briefed on all additions, amendments, and deletions to Department policy.

Additions, amendments, and deletions to the Manual of Policy and Procedures shall be published in the following manner:

Electronic Publishing of Revisions, Additions, and/or Deletions

A Department-wide electronic mail message will be initiated alerting all Department personnel to the addition, amendment, or deletion to Department policy.  The message will summarize the change in Department policy and direct personnel to the Department’s Manual of Policy and Procedures Intranet website where the change to the Department policy can be reviewed in its entirety.

Manual Publishing of Revisions, Additions, and/or Deletions

When the addition, amendment, or deletion has been adopted and approved for posting, a copy of the document will also be sent to every Unit Commander in the Department.

Employee Responsibilities

Pursuant to Manual of Policy and Procedures section 3-07/210.10, System Use, employees who are authorized users of electronic mail are responsible for reading their electronic mail in a timely manner, no less than once a day, or notifying their supervisor if they are unable to read e-mail.

In addition, it is the responsibility of every employee to understand additions, amendments, or deletions to Department policy.  Employees who fail to understand any change to Department policy shall immediately contact their immediate supervisor for clarification.

Unit Training Sergeant Responsibility

Unit training sergeants shall ensure all personnel are made aware of additions, amendments, or deletions to Department policy.

Unit Commander Responsibility

Unit commanders bear ultimate responsibility for ensuring every employee in their command is aware of policy additions, amendments, or deletions pursuant to this section.