5-09/000.20 - Department Employee

Regular employees, including Reserve Deputies and law enforcement explorers, injured in the course of duty shall be provided with an ambulance and/or hospital service when needed. Use original crime or incident code on all reports written.

Except for explorers, a copy of the incident report, and the form SH-AD-92 with the same URN as the report, are to be forwarded to Disability Management and Compliance Unit, as soon as possible.

Non-emergency injury/illness is covered by the Medical Service Order Form (76M119F).

Law Enforcement Explorers injured in the course of duty shall be provided with ambulance and/or hospital service when needed except that emergency and non-emergency injury/illness is covered, primarily, by the medical insurance of the explorer or his parents. Instructions to this effect should be given to the ambulance and hospital staff by field personnel.

After primary coverage is utilized and exhausted, secondary coverage for explorers is available through:

  • Group insurance purchased by his Explorer Post (optional coverage);
  • Sheriff's Explorer Scout Volunteers Accident and Disability Insurance (Department furnished coverage for all explorers); and
  • Los Angeles County Accident Insurance for Volunteers (Countywide plan).

A copy of the non-employee injury report (SH-AD-668) is to be sent to Reserve Forces Bureau, Attn: Explorer Coordinator.

A form SH-AD-92 is not completed for Explorers.