5-09/002.00 - Portable Livescan Procedures

The portable livescan enables applicant related information to be processed electronically, including automated searches by name, date of birth, and the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).

All livescan operators are required to have a background clearance from DOJ to operate the livescan; however, Sheriff’s Department employees are exempt from this clearance. All livescan operators shall be required to attend livescan training prior to using the device. In addition, no persons under the age of 18 may operate the livescan.

  • Fingerprinting An Applicant
    • The applicant must provide a completed “Request for Livescan Service” form (BCII-8016). The applicant must also have the requesting agency’s ORI, Mail Code, and Billing Code entered on the form prior to getting fingerprinted. If the applicant is a Los Angeles County Sheriffs applicant, for either a sworn or civilian position, the department’s ORI (CA0190000) shall be used;
    • The livescan operator shall verify the identity of the applicant by any valid photo identification;
    • The information from the form shall be entered into the livescan.
    • The livescan device will determine the total amount of fees to be collected automatically; and
    • Applicant can now be fingerprinted.
  • Collection of Fees
    • Fees will automatically be charged to the requesting agency per the ORI, Mailing Code and the Billing Code provided by the applicant; and
    • The Station will only collect the indicated fee per the Departmental fee schedule indicated in the Manual of Policy and Procedures section 7-03/030.00.

    The livescan operator will provide two copies of the three part 8016 form to the applicant and one copy will be retained by the unit for record keeping purposes.

  • Applicant Resubmissions
    • Livescan transactions shall not be submitted more than once unless DOJ contacts the Station or requesting agency and advises them that the request was unable to be processed. DOJ will then authorize the agency to resubmit the fingerprints.
  • Correcting Errors On A Transmition
    • If an error or question arises by the operator, DOJ’s fingerprint unit can be contacted at (916) 227-3312 (24 hours, 7 days a week). If the livescan is not working prior to any input of information, the livescan operator should call the LACRIS help desk at (562) 345-4400, 24 hours a day;
    • DOJ will request the LSID number to each specific machine. This number can be located on a sticker on both the laptop and on the scanne;
    • Once the transaction is deleted by DOJ, a new transaction can be sent; and
    • If a transaction is sent with an error in one of the mandatory data fields, the operator must submit a BCII 8017 form “request form for correction to livescan submission." This form shall then be faxed to the number listed on the form.