3-02/090.17 - Guidelines for Performance Evaluation Narratives

The performance evaluation narrative shall explain/justify the ratings given to an employee using examples of performance which occurred during the rating period.

It is not appropriate to include language in an evaluation narrative that addresses an employee's medical/psychological history, problems, or status. Unit commanders are responsible for ensuring:

  • An employee whose specific actions demonstrate the principles of Respect Based Leadership receives special mention in the evaluation narrative;
  • An employee’s compliance with the Department’s Policy of Equality is discussed with the employee and the discussion noted in the evaluation narrative;
  • Section 3-02/290.20, Preparation for and Completion of Duties, is discussed with an employee and the discussion noted in the evaluation narrative;
  • An employee’s Performance Recording and Monitoring System (PRMS) Profile Report is discussed with the employee and the discussion noted in the evaluation narrative. The PRMS Report shall be attached to the performance evaluation;
  • An employee has reviewed their Employee’s Personal Information - Supplemental Form SH-AD- 91A, for current information and the review noted in the evaluation narrative;
  • An employee has reviewed their Department beneficiary information for current information and the review noted in the evaluation narrative (employees should be referred to the Disability Management and Compliance Unit’s website located on the Intranet for a listing of contacts and procedures for changes to their beneficiaries);
  • An employee holding the rank of Deputy Sheriff is informed of the existence and availability of coveted positions within the Department and the discussion noted in the evaluation narrative;
  • A California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) driver’s history record is reviewed for an employee who operates County vehicles or uses their own vehicle for County business. Driver license status shall be noted in the evaluation narrative. The DMV driver’s history printout shall be attached to the performance evaluation;
  • An administrative investigation(s) for which an employee has received a letter of imposition is/are noted in the evaluation narrative covering the year in which discipline was imposed; and
  • The extent to which an employee’s behavior reflects the Department’s established Core Values is documented.

The following are examples of required notations in the evaluation narrative:

  • (Employee’s name) attended and completed the Department’s Equity Training and he/she clearly follows the principles taught in the course;
  • (Employee’s name) and I have reviewed their Performance Recording and Monitoring System (PRMS) Profile Report and found it to be accurate;
  • (Employee’s name) and I have reviewed section 3-02/290.20, Preparation for and Completion of Duties, and (employee’s name) expressed understanding of the policy;
  • (Employee’s name) has reviewed their unit personnel file and found their personal and beneficiary information to be current;
  • (Employee’s name) and I have discussed the existence and availability of coveted positions within our Department. (Name) was referred to the Bureau of Labor Relations and Compliance intranet site for additional information;
  • (Employee’s name) has reviewed and acknowledged understanding of the Electronic Communications policy;
  • (Employee’s name) received a (number)-day suspension imposed (date to date) for violation(s) of Manual of Policy and Procedures section(s) (number(s)) which occurred on (date);
  • (Employee’s name) possesses a valid California driver license which expires on (date);
  • (Employee’s name) has a current California registered nurse or physician license number (number) which expires (date) and a current specialty license or certification which expires on (date);
  • (Employee’s name) and I reviewed and discussed the Department’s Core Values. (Name) performed in a manner that exceeded Department expectations.