5-09/570.10 - Unmanned Aircraft System Procedures

All requests for the use of the unmanned aircraft system (UAS) shall be evaluated and authorized or denied by the Special Enforcement Bureau (SEB) team commander.

The Department is committed to ensuring all deployments of a UAS are conducted in accordance with federal and state law.

The UAS operator shall be responsible for, and is the final authority over, the actual operation of a UAS.  UAS operators have an absolute authority to reject or ground flights based on personal safety, public safety, or violation of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations.  UAS operators shall be responsible for compliance with SEB unit orders, Department policy, and FAA regulations.

UAS operators shall be cognizant of, and committed to, maintaining the privacy and constitutional rights of individuals when operating a UAS.  The default mode of a UAS camera shall be non-recording.  If circumstances require use of the recording functions of the camera, the operator shall obtain authorization from the SEB team commander to turn on the record function of the camera.  The use of the record function shall be noted on the initial incident report by the handling deputy.  Any recorded video footage shall only be retained for a period of two years unless there is a pending criminal case, civil action, or statue requiring retention of the video footage for a longer period of time.  Video footage may also be retained longer than two years for training purposes if no one outside of Department personnel is identifiable in the video. 

UAS operators are responsible for making a Public Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) and all required FAA notifications prior to operating an UAS. 

An SEB team commander shall be responsible for notifying and coordinating with the Aero Bureau watch commander, rank of sergeant or above, prior to any UAS operations.

The SEB unit commander shall notify the executive director of the Civilian Oversight Commission (COC), within 48 hours, of any authorized or unauthorized use of a UAS.  The SEB unit commander should also provide the COC with a report regarding all operational uses of a UAS, the type of mission for which such use was approved, the results of such uses, and whether or not the uses were authorized.