5-09/260.00 - Sentry Dogs

Each Station/Unit shall maintain a file of sentry dog companies located within their policing area.  A sentry dog company is any agency or person who agrees to furnish trained sentry, attack, narcotic or explosive detection dogs for hire.

The information concerning the company shall be typed on a 3x5 card, maintained in alphabetical order and shall contain:

  • Name of company;
  • Address of company;
  • 24 hour telephone number of company; and
  • Names of dogs handled by the company.

Sentry dog companies are required to furnish the location and duration of assignment of each dog assigned in the jurisdiction of a Sheriff's Station/Unit.  This information will be furnished not more than 15 days prior to a dog being assigned.

Each Station/Unit shall also maintain a "location card" for each business at which a sentry dog has been assigned by a sentry dog company to a location within the Station's/Unit’s area.  This location card shall contain the following information:

  • Name and address of the business having a dog assigned;
  • Name and phone number of the owner or manager of the business;
  • Name and phone number of the company owning the dog; and
  • Duration of assignment of dog.

All dogs assigned by such companies are required to wear an identification tag in addition to any other tag required by law.  The identification tag will show the following information:

  • Name of the dog; and
  • Name, address and 24-hour phone number of the sentry dog company.

The types of dogs covered under this procedure are as follows:

  • Sentry dog – a dog trained to work without supervision in a fenced facility to deter or detain unauthorized persons found within the facility;
  • Narcotic detection dog – a dog trained to locate narcotics by scent;
  • Explosives detection dog – a dog trained to locate bombs and explosives by scent; and
  • Attack or tracker dog – a dog trained to work with a handler in searching facilities for burglary suspects and other intruders.