5-09/250.15 - Film Crews

At times, film crews, with prior approval from the Sheriff, may accompany Department members during the course of their duties.

When Department members are accompanied onto private property generally open to the public, e.g., a bar or other business establishment, the owner or his agent has the right to request that the film crew leave the premises.  If the premises is a private residence or other area not open to the public, e.g., a restricted business office, the film crew must obtain consent and a written waiver from the owner, or his agent, or a resident of the premises before entry.  The film crew will provide their own waiver forms.

Film crews shall not accompany Department members during the execution of search warrants into a private residence or other area not open to the public.

Additionally, film crews shall not accompany members during next-of-kin death notifications.  Refer to section 5-09/090.30, Notification of Next-of-Kin, for proper notification procedures.