5-02/130.30 - CYA In-And-Out Order

To obtain an In-and-Out Order from the Youth Authority Board, the investigating detective shall submit a request for same to them, and include the following information:

  • Name of juvenile;
  • File number of case;
  • Date and period of time for which the order is to be effective;
  • Necessity for the order;
  • Deputy requesting the order; and
  • Names of transporting Deputies.

The requesting detective shall submit the request to the clerk of the Youth Authority Board who shall obtain the order from a member of the Board.

Upon receipt of an In-and-Out Order, the requesting detective shall deliver the order to juvenile hall.  The requesting detective is responsible for effecting transportation of the juvenile.

NOTE:    If the juvenile is confined in the county jail on a CYA Order, the detective shall deliver the In-and-Out Order to the Transportation Bureau, who will effect the necessary transportation.