3-09/330.10 - Preventative Action Plan

The Preventative Action Plan (PAP) standardizes the process of identifying and directing specific, needs-based, non-punitive training and procedures, based on the preliminary Critical Incident Review Panel (CIRP) analysis of employees involved in critical incidents reviewed by the CIRP, a special circumstance shooting, or a third or subsequent shooting as directed under MPP section 3-09/330.00, Critical Incident Review Panel.

During the initial critical incident analysis by the CIRP, any involved employee(s) in a CIRP-reviewed critical incident or involved in a CIRP-reviewed shooting shall be placed into the PAP. 

While in the PAP, the employee will complete the CIRP training assignments and/or recommendations. 

Unit Commander’s Responsibilities

When an employee is assigned to the PAP, the employee’s unit commander shall coordinate with the captain of Training Bureau to facilitate the completion of the CIRP risk management/remedial training. The unit commander shall report the completion or progress of the PAP to the CIRP as directed under MPP section 3-09/330.00.

In cases subsequently falling under Executive Force Review Committee (EFRC) purview, the risk management/remedial measures shall be presented by the unit commander to the EFRC.

Training Bureau’s Responsibilities

Upon notification of an employee’s placement into the PAP, the Training Bureau captain will review the preliminary CIRP’s critical incident analysis, Shooting Analysis Committee’s (SAC) report, and other related materials to identify the appropriate Training Bureau unit to complete the assigned and/or recommended training.

The lieutenant representing the designated Training Bureau unit will work with a representative from the SAC, designated by the SAC chairperson, to create an individual-specific training agenda utilizing existing Department training courses in accordance with the CIRP’s direction.

 If the specific needs-based training assigned and/or recommended incorporates various modules from a number of different courses, a compilation training agenda will be created and (upon approval of the Training Bureau captain) implemented.  The training agenda and completed course records shall be forwarded to the CIRP for review.

Administrative Monitoring

All documents related to the CIRP-recommended training and PAP shall be included in the employee’s Performance Recording and Monitoring System (PRMS) under the Special Conditions module.   Risk Management Bureau is responsible for ensuring the appropriate PRMS entries are made.  The employee’s unit of assignment is responsible for ensuring the Preliminary Data Entry (PDE) is created for the Special Conditions module for the employee, a record of CIRP recommended and/or assigned training is maintained at the employee’s unit, and the training information is entered into the employee’s electronic training record (via the Learning Management System (LMS).