3-09/320.40 - List of Classifications Eligible for Confidentiality

Confidentiality is granted by the Sheriff’s Department in two categories: standard or sensitive.  A standard authorization of confidentiality is granted as long as the employee remains in good standing with the Department.  Standard confidentiality is granted to employees in the following categories:

Active or Retired Police Officers

  • All full‑time and Reserve Deputy Sheriffs at all ranks.

Professional Staff

  • Public Response Dispatchers;
  • Professional staff who in the course of their employment controls, supervises, or is required to have a prisoner in their care or custody; and
  • Custody Assistants and Matrons.

A sensitive position authorization of confidentiality is granted to employees in three-year increments based upon an employee’s specific situation.  Any professional staff personnel who have a need for DMV Confidentiality must submit a memorandum to their Unit Commander justifying their need for confidentiality as established by this policy.  The Unit Commander shall submit to Personnel Administration the DMV form along with the detailed justification memorandum substantiating the duties and responsibilities for the requesting employee to have DMV Confidentiality.

Family members of qualifying employees are also eligible for DMV Confidentiality as indicated below:

Eligible Family Members

  • Spouse of an eligible employee;
  • Child of an eligible employee; and
  • Surviving spouse and/or child of a peace officer killed in the line of duty (lifetime).

Confidentiality for family members have the same duration as the qualifying employee (exceptions are noted in parentheses).