3-09/325.00 - Case Review Committee

The Case Review Committee (CRC) is comprised of the Undersheriff and two Assistant Sheriffs.  The Undersheriff or his designee shall serve as chairperson.  The CRC shall review discipline in founded administrative investigations for which the recommendation is suspension without pay from 16 to 30 days, reduction in rank, or discharge.
The subject employee’s division chief/division director is responsible for determining whether the facts in the investigation support the level of discipline that requires review by the CRC.  If so determined, the concerned division chief/division director shall be responsible for orally presenting the case to the CRC.

Representatives from Professional Standards Division, Internal Affairs Bureau, Advocacy Unit, and the Constitutional Policing Office shall attend the CRC.  The chair of the Executive Force Review Committee, Executive Traffic Risk Review Committee, or Equity Oversight Panel shall attend if the case was previously heard by one of these panels. 

The Manual of Policy and Procedures, section 3-01/040.95, Confidential Information, shall be applicable as it relates to all communication, findings, and determinations made regarding discipline cases prior to and during review of the case.  All attendees shall sign an Agreement of Confidentiality.

For additional information see MPP section 3-04/020.80 Modify Findings and/or Discipline.