3-09/220.15 - Honor Guards, Other Miscellaneous Functions

Written Requests

The Training Bureau shall have the responsibility to coordinate all requests for honor guards.

Whenever a person or an organization makes an inquiry or request relative to obtaining a Department honor guard for such functions as parades, flag raising ceremonies, etc. the requesting person or organization shall be advised to submit a written letter of request to the Sheriff.  The written request shall be made 30 days prior to the date of the function and shall contain the following information:

  • Name of the organization;
  • Nature of the function;
  • Date, time and approximate length of the function;
  • Location; and
  • Name, address and telephone number of the person making the request.

The Training Bureau, upon receiving such a request, shall prepare an original and two copies of the Public Appearance on Behalf of the Sheriff form (SH-AD-177) and forward the forms and requesting letter to the appropriate Assistant Sheriff(s) for approval.

Upon approval, the request will be forwarded to the Division Director, Administrative and Training Division, who shall retain one copy of the SH-AD-177 for file and return the original and remaining copy of the form together with the requesting letter to the Training Bureau.

The Training Bureau shall contact the requesting party for confirmation, obtain any other information that may be desired and assign the necessary personnel for the honor guard as requested.

Upon completion of the honor guard assignment, the Training Bureau shall complete the SH-AD-177 (Summary of Appearance Section), and retain the original with the requesting letter for file.

In the event the request is cancelled by the requesting party, both the original and remaining copy of the SH-AD-177 and the requesting letter shall then be filed at the Training Bureau with the notation, "Cancelled per requesting party."

Telephonic Requests

When there is insufficient time for the submission of a written request, the Station, Bureau or Unit receiving the request shall obtain the necessary information required for a written request and shall immediately notify the Training Bureau of the request.  The Training Bureau shall then prepare an original and two copies of the Public Appearance on Behalf of the Sheriff (SH-AD-177) from information received by telephone, so note on the form, and after obtaining verbal approval from the Undersheriff or the appropriate Assistant Sheriff, forward the request to the Division Director , Administrative and Training Division.

The Division Director, Administrative and Training Division shall retain one copy of the SH-AD-177 for file and forward the approved original and remaining copy to the Training Bureau.

Training Bureau shall contact the requesting party for confirmation, obtain any other information that may be desired and assign the necessary personnel for the honor guard as requested.

Upon completion of the honor guard assignment, Training Bureau shall complete the SH-AD-177 (Summary of Appearance Section), and retain the original with the requesting letter for filing.

Contract City Requests

Station Commanders, at their discretion, shall be authorized to approve requests by any contract city to obtain a Department honor guard for any contract city function.  Upon receiving such a request, the Station Commander shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary information and requesting the honor guard from the Training Bureau.

The Station Commander shall then prepare and complete an original and two copies of the Public Appearance on Behalf of the Sheriff (SH-AD-177) and forward it to Training Bureau, which will complete the "Summary of Appearance" portion upon completion of the honor guard assignment.

The Training Bureau shall then forward the original of the form to the Division Director of the Administrative and Training Division, retain a copy for record purposes and forward a copy of the completed form to the requesting Unit Commander.