3-07/150.15 - Data Base User's Manuals

Criminal justice information system data files require that record entries, updates and certain inquiries contain specific types of information.  JDIC structures all messages to conform to the formal requirements of each data file; however, operators must enter required information in a manner consistent with the edit values of the data file in use.

Operators are referred to the appropriate user's manual for a detailed discussion of data base terminology, functions, record retention criteria, special instructions, mandatory versus optional information and valid codes.

User's manuals for criminal justice information system data files are:

  • Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) - refer to the DMV Manual for CLETS Inquiry;
  • California Justice Information System (CJIS) - refer to the CJIS Manual and Automated Criminal History System User's Guide;
  • National Crime Information Center (NCIC) - refer to the NCIC Operating Manual and Code Manual;
  • Automated Justice Information System (AJIS) - refer to the Automated Justice Information System Terminal Operator's Manual, arresting agency table, charge table and release custody table;
  • Juvenile Automated Index (JAI) - refer to the Juvenile Automated Index Terminal Operator's Instruction Manual; and
  • Los Angeles Countywide Warrant System - refer to Countywide Warrant System Users Manual.