3-07/150.10 - Legal Requirements - Record Entry

The California Penal Code section 11108 and/or California Vehicle Code section 10551 requires that every law enforcement agency immediately enter certain types of information into the appropriate data base:

  • All serial numbers of vehicles, vehicle parts or license plates reported as stolen, lost or recovered;
  • All serialized property reported as stolen, lost, found, recovered or under observation property; and
  • All serial numbers of boats and boat parts reported as stolen and recovered.

Unit Commanders shall ensure that their personnel follow legal these requirements.

All information entered into criminal justice information data files must be based upon an Incident or Supplemental Report.  The report must be available at all times in order that "hits" on the data base record can be confirmed.  Any changes to information contained in the original Incident or Supplemental Report, must be made so that it agrees with the report.