3-06/040.00 - Services and Supplies

The various methods of procuring services and supplies are as follows:

Stock Items

Stock items from Central Supply or ISD/Purchasing and Central Services are ordered through the Fiscal Management System(FMS).  Units are encouraged to use stock whenever possible.  Stock catalogs can be found in the FMS under LOOKUP/A. CATALOGS.

Various Vendors

Miscellaneous services and supplies ordered from outside vendors are entered into the various vendor module through the Fiscal Management system.  The current monetary limit on non-agreement purchase orders is $5,000.00.  Purchases of $5,001.00 or more should be submitted on a requisition.

Petty Cash

Petty cash or petty cash check requests are submitted on a Department Supply Requisition (DSR 76R413) with three copies attached.  Requests shall have Unit Commander’s and budget representative’s approval prior to submitting to Fiscal Administration.  Petty cash is generally used when there is a need to expedite a purchase and normally restricted to $100.00.  Reimbursement should have prior approval from Fiscal Administration and have original receipts attached.