3-06/030.05 - Portable Items of Equipment

Portable items of equipment, simply defined, are equipment items that can be easily carried or moved, especially by hand.  Thus, control procedures shall be instituted at each Unit to reduce the risk of loss or theft.  Each Unit shall:

  • Assign control to one person for all portable items of equipment;
  • List, by location, all portable items of equipment for which the Unit is responsible;
  • Maintain the name of the individual to whom the equipment is permanently assigned;
  • Update the inventory list daily for:
  • Changes in personnel assigned portable items of equipment;
  • Changes made when new acquisitions are made; and
  • Deletions due to trade-ins, lost, stolen or transferred equipment, etc;

NOTE:    Deletions and additions of equipment shall also be transmitted to the Inventory Control Section.

  • Maintain, in a secure area, all portable equipment not assigned or in use;
  • Maintain a "sign in and out" log, which shall be prepared and maintained by the responsible individual at each Unit,  The format will be left to the discretion of the Unit but shall include the following data:
  • Description of the item;
  • Serial number and/or County number;
  • Date and time checked, in and out;
  • Signature of user (both in and out); and
  • Issuer's initial (both in and out);
  • Inventory portable items of equipment upon receipt of the Unit's fixed asset listing.